Then I spotted this gem on #xen
11:04 < tab> it's about the fedora xen kernels
11:05 < tab> and the memory issue
11:05 < tab> did you changed the ld layout of the kernel ?
11:06 < riel> no, 2.6.13 did
11:06 < tab> yes, but did you tweak it to be able to run xen ?
11:06 < riel> I tried to
11:06 < riel> but it's still not getting linked right
11:06 < tab> because I use to have the same problem in the early 2.6.13 port
11:06 < tab> used*
11:06 < riel> how did you fix it ?
11:06 < tab> you have to redefine LOAD_OFFSET to 0 in page.h
11:07 < tab> I'm almost done with 2.6.13 anyways, and I will upgrade the repository soon I think
11:08 < riel> ohhhhhh
11:08 < riel> too bad Fedora is on 2.6.14-rc3

11:08 * riel is seriously considering not having Xen in Fedora again until xenolinux is upstream